C/Beata Piedad de la Cruz, 12 - 30820 - Alcantarilla (Murcia) España
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Salesian Sister

........ Sacred Heart of Jesus



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Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

Around the year 1884, the floods of river Segura (Murcia), which had destroyed the fields of Murcia, and the lack of religious Congregations in that area, made it posible that Mother Piedad oriented her activity towards those places in need.

In Puebla de Soto, one km away from Alcantarilla (Murcia, Spain) she established her first foundation with the religios name of "Piedad de la Cruz" and the first community of terciary order of "Virgen del Carmen".

When the inhabitants of the fields of Murcia had not yet overcome the tragedy of the floods of 1884, cholera appeared. Piedad de la Cruz and her daughters multiplied themselves to look after the sick and the orphan girls from a Little hospital that she called "The Providence".

Other Young women started to arrive, attracted by the way of living of those first "terciarias Carmelitas". The home soon appeared to be small, they had to buy the one in Alcantarilla. A new community was also set up in Caudete… everything made it posible to believe that Mother Pîedad had found the right place to develope her vocation.

However…again the cross. It was the signal she had asked for to know that all that came directly from God: "To found in tribulation" and the Sacred Heart of Jesus gave it to her multiplied. In August, the sisters at Claudete set out for Alcantarilla and took the novices with them, leavingMother Piedad alone with Sor Alfonsa. Those were days of intense suffering. Mother Piedad found confort in prayer, she kneeled before the Crist of Comfort (el Cristo del Consuelo) and there she remained for many hours at His feet. She suffered but did not break down because her faith in God was firm and neverending.

In her pain, Bishop Bryand and Livermore sends her and her faithdful Sor Alfonsa to the Convent of the Visitation in Orihuela to follow a one-month spiritual course and Project there there a new Foundation. It is here where the Holy Spirit enlightened her, at the time He showed her her true carisma, and the title of the Congregation, which would be under the patronage of Saint Frances of Sales.

And …God´s time came. It was the 8th of September 1890. A new church was born, after so many difficulties and tribulations, the Congregation of Salesian Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, a Congregation where Christ´s Heart wants to be loved, served and redressed. And tol ove, serve and redress, to see the face of Jesus in the orphan girls, in the young, in the sick, in the abandoned old people…and help them bear their cross.


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